Pecans grown & packaged with tradition & pride
Family owned & operated in Colfax, Louisiana
Find a Perfect Gift from the Farm
While pecans are our cornerstone, the Commissary is filled with unique gifts from local artists and craftspeople.
Organic Products
Pecan Oil
Local Honey
Jams, Jellies, Preserves and Syrups
Soaps and Bath Products
Local Artisan Gifts and Artwork
Smoking Wood
Food from local food vendors during the Fall and Winter Pecan season
Located inside the old McNeely Crossing Commissary
12217 Hwy 8 South
Colfax, LA 71417
The Littlepage Family has put close to a century of care into their beloved pecan orchards. Taste the difference today.
Cracked & roasted pecans sold in the amount that fits your needs
Healthy pecan oil freshly pressed from our pecan crop
Seasonal fruits & vegetables grown here & from neighboring farmers
The Littlepage Family is deeply rooted in the pecan industry
The Patriarch & The Matriarch
Ben & Kathryn Littlepage not only instilled their love and respect for agriculture into us, they built a lasting legacy in the pecan industry.
The McNeely Crossing Commissary
Built in 1908, the McNeely Crossing Commissary is a picturesque background for our store, bringing treasures from the past back to life.
We’re family now. Let’s stay in touch.
Littlepage Farms
12217 Highway 8 South - Colfax, LA 71417
Kathy Littlepage 318.481.2727
We are open during Pecan Season from October to late December from 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. or by appointment - Contact Kathy at the telephone number above.